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July 16 & 17, All Masses

At Masses on July 16-17, parishioners will hear about the Diocese of Norwich's Outreach to Haiti’s mission serving the poor of Haiti.

The second collection will be dedicated to this ministry in Haiti (cash or check payable to SABB with Missionary Cooperative in the memo).    Parishioners may also give online by clicking here

Funds from this collection will support the thousands of families in the poverty-stricken area of Christ the King in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Your gifts can help provide medical care, nutrition supplements and food, education scholarships, support for orphanages, and efforts to rebuild the medical clinic.

For 40 years, the ministry has been serving some of God’s poorest, faith-filled Haitians, in the values of the Gospel, providing sacramental and spiritual support through its programs and relationships in both the US and Haiti.

Marie Farrell has directed this effort to help Outreach to Haiti for six years and has been a part of her parish’s 22-year commitment to a twin parish in the Archbishop of Port-au-Prince. She comes to share Christ’s mission and invite you to be a part of our diocesan ministry. Our Haitian brothers and sisters are struggling with severe food shortages, political unrest, and the uncertainties we are all facing with this virus, but more challenging in Haiti where health care is meager. We hope the Holy Spirit will speak to you for prayerful support of Outreach to Haiti and we thank you for your generosity.