Food & Financial Assistance

Food & Financial Assistance

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me." - Matthew 25:35


St. Vincent de Paul

The St. Vincent de Paul Society, led by our president Linda Rzepkowski, is committed to assist those in need on the Broadneck Peninsula. Meetings with Society representatives are kept completely CONFIDENTIAL.  

Representatives are available to assist you at the Parish Center on Mondays & Thursdays from 2:30-3:30pm with rent, utility bills and other needs. If you are unable to come during these hours, please contact the office to make special arrangements. Please check calendar here for cancellations.


My Brother's Pantry

Emergency food supplies are available on a one-time basis to anyone who asks for help. Continuing monthly assistance is available to eligible community members.

For details, call 410-757-5190 or email


Chores & More

If you or someone you know is a shut-in, temporarily homebound of any age or just home from the hospital and needs assistance, many Broadneck Peninsula residents turn to Chores and More for assistance when they need a short-term helping hand. Volunteer services are available 7 days a week. Services include needing a ride to the grocery store, doctor or hospital. Email or call 443-808-3875 Mon/Wed/Fri 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


Ministry to the Sick and Homebound

Are you or a loved one in need of a visit?  Anointing or communion to the sick and homebound are available by contacting Chanda in the parish office at 410-974-4366 


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