Faith Formation Team Resources

We are so blessed for the time and talent that you share with our Parish children as you help us guide them ever closer to Christ!
Our Main Curriculumn Program - Finding God
We are using Finding God by Loyola Press as our Faith Formation Curriculumn for Elementary PREP.
There are resources available to catechists on their website, Finding God - 2021.
Addition Resources for Catechists only can be found in our DIGITAL LIBRARY, simply use the access code of 637A91DC.
Please view the Finding God Schedule
Our Family Life Curriculum - Growing with God
We are required by the Archdiocese of Baltimore to incorporate family life curriculum into our program. This year, we are moving to Growing with God by Loyola Press. There are 5 lessons throughout the year that get included with our main curriculum, we are omitting Lesson 4. You can find additional resources online for this curriculum by visiting their website by clicking HERE. There is also a Digital Library with many resources. Please contact Jen for information on how to access the library if you haven't been on it. Please click on your grade for the curriculum schedule that includes Growing With God:
Catechist Formation!
Please remember that we have an annual subscription to the Catechetical Institute for continued formation as a catechist! This is free to you, can be done at home, and at your own pace! There are even certification tracks that are approved by the archdiocese to become certified! Many of you are already signed up for an account when you completed the workshop we started at our training in the begining of the year. Please visit Franciscan at Home and click on log-in. If you did not create an account at the begining of the year, please do the following:
- Visit Archdiocese of Baltimore | Franciscan at Home.
- Click the blue box that says "My Parish or school is already registered, and I would like to set up my individual free account under that institution."
- Then Click "Creat New Account" and follow the prompts.
- To participate in workshops or certification tracks simply go to your dashboard.
Other Resources