
Baptism is the first Sacrament of Initiation within the Catholic Church. Baptism brings a child or adult into the new life promised by God and creates them anew in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
Infants and Children under age 7
Baptism for infants and children under age 7 is typically celebrated at our weekend liturgies. Parents do have the option to celebrate the baptism outside of Mass at a 1:00 p.m. group baptism service on the first Sunday of the month (12:00 noon when we are on our summer schedule). To assist families with Covid concerns, private baptisms may also be scheduled upon request. Parents are required to participate in a baptism preparation session taking place in our parish every other month.
Parents are encouraged to prepare for their child's baptism even before the birth of their child. To arrange for a baptism and enroll in the preparation session, please email Deacon Bill Fleming or call 410-974-4366 at least 60 days before the desired date.
Children age 7 and over
If you have older children who are not baptized, you may be surprised to learn that you are not the only one, and it is not too late. We welcome you where you are. The process for older children and youth is part of the OCIA, separate from our religious education program. Since children don't develop in a vacuum, parents actively participate, too. We are always ready to work with you and your family.
Contact Jen Minor at 410-974-4366.
Unbaptized adults who wish to become Catholic participate in the OCIA process (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults). It includes the elements of prayer and worship, community, service, and learning about our faith. We are always ready to welcome you.
Learn more at Becoming Catholic/OCIA
Contact Jen Minor at 410-974-4366.