At Home Faith Formation


This option is for families that do not wish have their child in a weekly class and would prefer teaching their children at home.  Rather than meeting in a class, you will be completing the curriculum at home with your child, while attending three LYFT sessions together.  The only time this is not an option is during your child's sacramental year. 

2024-25 Schedule coming soon!


News on the LYFT Component

LYFT stands for Living Your Faith Together.  There are three weeks in which you will choose one of the PREP sessions to attend as a family.  LYFT sessions take place the 3rd Sunday/Monday of the month, and take place at the following times: Sundays at 8am, 10am, & Mondays at 5pm.  Please note that Pre-K is only offered at the Sunday 10am and Kindergarten is only offered on both Sunday morning Sessions.  The first LYFT session of 2024 takes place October 20/21.



Our Family Faith Formation year will begin September 22, 2024.

There will be a LYFT event on October 20/21, November 17/18, and March 16/17.

Please contact Jen Minor throughout the year for support you may need.

No physical materials need to be returned to us, all curriculum is submitted through the Online Interactive Reviews.



The curriculum for a family faith formation program is Finding God by Loyola Press.  Your family materials are to be picked up during the parent meeting that you choose to attend, September 12th or September 16th at 6:30pm in the Upper Hall. No materials need to be returned to us.  Click Here to access the online reviews, simply choose the corresponding grade and then the sessions are listed.   Questions can be directed to Jen at