Happening Now

What's HAPPENING NOW in Children's Ministry!


2024-25 Children's Faith Formation (PREP)

Registrations submitted after the 19th will be accepted but charged a late fee. 
  • Please read this letter from Jen regarding faith formation for the 2024-25 year for information such as registration and start dates.  
  • CLICK HERE for Elementary PREP Registration Form
  • CLICK HERE for Elementary PREP Calendar


PREP Parent Meetings - Kicking off the new year of faith formation!

During registration you chose between September 12th and September 16th!

Please arrive by 6:30pm in the Upper Hall to hear from Fr. Tyler and find out all about our new year of faith formation!  There will be discussion on 1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion at the end of this meeting.

Please note that childcare is not provided for the meeting.  



On September 15th the 4th and 5th grade Doves will be volunteering for Stef Ripple to host the Fun Run and also a table for St. Andrew by the Bay!  Please visit our Doves Page for more information and for the sign-ups!  


Registration is now open for 1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion!

Please click the image to register your child for their Sacraments!



Thank you for your support of 2024 Scuba VBC!  The week would not have been possible without the support of each person who made decorations, collected supplies, volunteered their time, and donated.  Click the image below to see the fun in faith that took place!


New PREP option added!  Click on the image to learn more!


Did you hear the news?

In 2025, Blessed Carlo Acutis could be canonized during the Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee Year due to a miracle being attributed to his intercession!  Read more here: Carlo Acutis to be first millennial saint.



What about the Online Session Reviews?

Online Session Reviews are what gets turned in when a session is done at home due to your child's absence.  Please have your child complete the review, email the results to yourself, and then forward to your catechist.  Below, you will find the link to access the reviews 1st thru 5th grade (Kindergarten does not have reviews):