
The Sacrament of Marriage is an important commitment in the life of the couple who discerns a call from God to share in this life-long vocation. We believe as Catholics that the vocation of marriage is a treasured gift of God to be shared in joy by a husband and wife. Please accept the best wishes and prayers of our parish community for your happiness in marriage. We hope that the following information will facilitate preparations for your wedding and lend dignity to its celebration:

INITIAL ARRANGEMENTS - Your date and time for the wedding should be made with Father Tyler Kline at 410-974-4366.  This should be done at least six months prior to the wedding. When the date and time are set, your $275 deposit should be made as soon as possible in order to hold/guarantee the church. For your convenience, the deposit can be paid online here. Please email at the time of payment to ensure proper credit to your account. Shortly thereafter an appointment should be made with Father Andrew when you will be given materials for your marriage preparation and the initial plans for the wedding will be made.

TIME OF THE WEDDING - Weddings are scheduled primarily on Saturdays between 11:00am and 3:00pm (preparation for evening Mass begins at 4:30pm).  Friday afternoon/evening weddings are also available.

MUSIC - Rachel Sitomer, Director of Music, should be contacted at 410-974-4366 by the couple six months prior to the wedding date regarding appropriate music arrangements. Scheduling of the church does not automatically include the musician’s services.  Music fees are contracted directly with the Director of Music.

FLOWERS, ACCESSORIES AND DECORATIONS - The couple orders or arranges for their own flowers. Two bouquets of reasonable size suffice. Flowers are not to be placed upon the altar, but may be placed on the floor before the altar and/or ambo. Flowers are gifts to St. Andrew by the Bay and remain in the church after the wedding Mass/ceremony. The church will be open one hour before the wedding for delivery of flowers and for the arrangement of other decorations. Flowers and bows may be attached to the pews with a pew hanger. You may not use wire, pins, or tape on the pews. The use of a runner is not allowed. Church furniture and major symbols such as the altar, baptismal font, lecterns, ambo, etc. may not be moved.

MARRIAGE PREPARATION - Couples who wish to marry are required by the Archbishop of Baltimore to participate in a formal marriage preparation program. For further information please speak with Father Tyler Kline or visit the  Archdiocese of Baltimore marriage preparation site here.

OFFERINGS AND FEES FOR PARISHIONERS (registered/active/contributing). A $275 deposit is required to reserve the date and time at the church. If your family's contributions for the prior fiscal year exceeded $1,000, the fee would be waived (with the exception of the $275 deposit). Parishioners should call the parish office at 410-974-4366 regarding their contribution amount.

OFFERINGS AND FEES FOR NON-PARISHIONERS. The fee for weddings at St. Andrew by the Bay is $1,000. A $275 deposit is required to reserve the date and time at the church. The balance of $725 is due two months prior to the wedding date.

Click here for a copy of our Wedding Brochure

Click here to read Life Matters:  Marriage, The Sanctuary of Life