Middle School

“We cannot just say that young people are the future of our world. They are its present.”  Pope Francis, Christus Vivit (54)

Middle School Girls Bible Study 

BLAZE is a Walking with Purpose ministry created to counteract the way society drives girls to question their true worth and beauty. Through BLAZE, we emphasize how a girl's identity is rooted in Christ as God's chosen, beloved daughter. An antidote to bullying, anxiety, and body-image issues, BLAZE replaces lies with truth and strengthens girls from the inside out through Scripture-based learning. 

Registration is open to middle school girls (rising 6th, 7th, or 8th grade).  Meetings held on Saturdays after Vigil Mass at St Andrew by the Bay Parish Center.

*This event is generously sponsored by Stef Ripple Foundation.*


Learn more by contacting Julie Hester at 443-676-1321 or julie.f.hester@gmail.com or click below to learn more:

What's Happening


Faith Formation

Faith formation is offered to middle school youth through our PREP program. Our challenge is to present the Good News in a way that young people can make the connection between what they are hearing and how it applies to their lives today. To accomplish this, we seek to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person through a combination of lively large group activity and small group time which allows them to question and explore how the Gospel is personally relevant. PREP meets on five Sundays in the fall and five Sundays in late winter-early Spring from 4:30 to 6:00pm. Please click on the PREP tab for more information. 


Summer Activities for Middle Schoolers

Summer Madness

Visit our Summer Madness page for more information. 

2025 Dates:  July 7 -11

Catholic Youth Sleepaway Summer Camp (CYSC)

Come and be a part of our new summer programs for middle schoolers!  Be a part of the most incredible summer camp in the nation - Damascus!  A catholic summer adventure camp that is as much fun as it is holy.  Archdiocese of Baltimore teens have been attending for years, now it's time for St. Andrew by the Bay teens to join in on the fun!  Learn more by watching videos about camp life and camper testimonials.  Please email raquel.shutt@archbalt.org to learn more / reserve your camper's spot for 2025!