What's Happening

What's Happening

Youth Ministry

Questions? Comments? Want to get involved? Please contact Youth Ministry, who would love to hear from you!
 Raquel Shutt

Sign up for Youth Ministry Texts: Text "SABBY101" to 84576 

Follow us on Instagram: @standrewYM

Click HERE to view our current YM Corner - upcoming happenings & service hour opportunites!

Click HERE for our public YM Google Drive folder



Click HERE to view current happenings

  • Got service hours? Email Raquel.shutt@archbalt.org to learn about current service opportunities at our parish.
  • Be a Peer Minister—We are now accepting applications for Peer Ministers! CLICK HERE to view the role description.
  • PARENTS: Get involved—plan a Youth Mass Fun Night! Grab some parish friends and work together, or partner with your teen and friends. Have fun. This is YOUR parish! Email Raquel.shutt@archbalt.org to sign up for the month of October 24—May 25.



COVID-19 Forms: