
Throughout history, God has prepared His people to receive the gift of Christ in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is foreshadowed in Old Testament Scripture and is made explicit in the Gospels and epistles of the New Testament. We are united with Jesus as he gives himself to us as food and drink, and are reminded of his ultimate gift when he gave up his life for us for the forgiveness of our sins. We are called to grow with Christ, becoming transformed more into his likeness as we live as the “Body of Christ”.

First Eucharist is the second Sacrament of Initiation within our Catholic Faith. First Eucharist is typically celebrated between the second and fourth grades, most often in grade two, when children are 7 or 8 years old. For more information, please contact Jen Minor, Coordinator of Religious Education, at 410-974-4366.  Please also contact Jen for seperate formation if your child is in grade 6 through 12 and needs to celebrate their 1st reconciliation and 1st communion.

CLICK HERE for more information about our sacramental program for children.

CLICK HERE FOR THE 2025 1st Reconciliation/1st Communion Online Registration Form.