Dive Below the Surface to Build a Strong Faith

Prayer for VBC

I pray that all the efforts given to this VBC will yield great fruit,
fruit of children feeling loved by YOU
and fruit of all involved getting closer to you through Christ.
May the Holy Spirit guide each part of this experience,
from the planning to the closing celebration.
In Jesus' name I pray.

Want to Support VBC?  

Consider supporting our camp by helping us with some of the supplies.  We couldn't do this without the support of the Parish.  Children's Ministry is so blessed to have all of you being the hands and feet of Christ to bless our VBC program!  

Donate Items!  

Visit our Sign-up Page to choose!  Please scroll down to review the available slots and click on the button to sign up.


CAN BE DELIVERED/DROPPED OFF ANYTIME FROM NOW UNTIL FRIDAY, JULY 12th.  Drop off during office hours (provided below) or place in the plastic bin labeled VBC Donations in the church narthex. 


Sunday, July 14th after the 10:30am Mass in the Parish Center.  We will be here setting up for VBC. 

Monetary Donations!  

Visit our Donation Page to help pay for supplies!

Parish Office Hours:

Mon-Thurs 8:30-4:30pm & Fri 8:30-12:30 


Decoration Help Needed!

Would you like to learn to build coral, make fish, or take on a truly amazing task of building a larger prop?  If so, please contact Jen at!  All directions are provided for you!


Parents!  Guess What?

Please stay tuned here for new information and daily news for your camper once it begins! 

Campers must come to camp wearing their group color.  This is for safety reasons.  With over 100 kids moving all through the parish center, it enables group leaders to easily keep track of their camp crew.