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Entries for January 2022

Catholic Advocacy Network

Posted on January 31, 2022 in: Give and Serve

Catholic Advocacy Network
LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD ABOUT PROPOSED LEGISLATION Pope Francis discussed the need for Catholics to engage in politics by stating in 2013: "None of us can say, ‘I have nothing to do with this, (politicians) govern ... No, no, I am responsible for their governance, … and I have t...

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Maryland March for Life Rally and Vigil
Thursday, February 3, 2022 5pm, Lawyers Mall, Annapolis Join this family friendly, peaceful, prayerful witness in Annapolis   This year, we will again meet on Lawyers Mall for a rally and vigil for LIFE!  Please join us Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 5PM to hear speakers like ...

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St. Blaise and 3rd Century Saints
Thursday, Feb 3, 2022 7pm on Zoom Perhaps you’ve had your throat blessed every year your whole life. Or perhaps not. Either way, let’s talk about St Blaise, and some other 3rd century saints you may not have heard of. https://zoom.us/j/94113600918?pwd=b0JIZ3Z0RGFybENhYzNiRXMzMkl...

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Afghan Refugee Food and Gift Card Drive
Jan 28 - Feb 6 At ALL Masses & Middle School PREP Sessions   DID YOU KNOW that 70 Afghan refugee families are working hard to make a new home here in Anne Arundel County?   We can help!    The Anne Arundel County Food Bank has organized a Food D...

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Thursday Zoom - The Chosen

Posted on January 25, 2022 in: Grow and Learn

Thursday Zoom - The Chosen
Thursday, January 27 7:00pm on Zoom Join Fr Andrew for a lively conversation about the 2nd half of season 2 of The Chosen.  https://zoom.us/j/95018285965?pwd=cXFDTEtlN2JiSlFZeHhjeTQ5bm9kUT09  Meeting ID: 950 1828 5965 Passcode: jDtR32

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Catholic Heart Workcamp 2022

Posted on January 25, 2022 in: For Youth

Catholic Heart Workcamp 2022
SABBY Spirit will be unleashed the week of July 17 to 22, 2022 as a team of St Andrew by the Bay high school youth and their chaperones travel to North Haledon, NJ to volunteer alongside other teens from across the country!  There is nothing more empowering than stepping out of your comfort-...

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Spirit-Filled: A Reflection for MLK Day
Zoom Conversation Thursday, Jan 13 @7pm Howard Thurman, the great 20th century spiritual voice you’ve  probably never heard. A special reflection as we approach Martin Luther King Jr Day. https://zoom.us/j/96810497024?pwd=a05xQ3BpMEZjcVhYUmVTL2phNUpQdz09 Meeting I...

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SYNOD Virtual Listening Sessions
January 20 & 31 7-8:30pm   How is the Church doing? There’s still time for you to contribute to the listening sessions. Your Church (and your parish too) wants to hear from you in these listening sessions that are part of the world-wide Synod.  And you have an opportu...

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March for Life Virtual Opportunities
Not going to the 2022 National March for Life? Here are some other ways to join in: Join thousands of Catholics nationwide praying the annual 9 Days for Life novena, January 19-27. Sign up today at https://www.respectlife.org/9-days-signup Join the National Prayer Vigil for...

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Prayers and Resolutions for the New Year
Thursday, January 6 7-8pm on Zoom Hosted by Stephany Crane Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95470240392?pwd=Y21FSXlDNGtabDh1WDFQNGFaNDY2UT09 Meeting ID: 954 7024 0392 Passcode: 1tZA0S

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Eucharistic Miracle Panel Exhibit
Sunday, January 9 9am-1pm Saint Andrew by the Bay will have 25 Eucharistic Miracle panels with 14 miracles from 8 different countries on display. A 35-minute documentary about Blessed Carlo Acutis, who designed and created the Eucharistic Miracles of the World Exhibit, will be available for yo...

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