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Blessed Mother Family Fair

Posted on April 26, 2022 in: For Families and Children

Blessed Mother Family Fair

Sunday, May 22


SABB Children needed for the Living Rosary Event!  Let’s honor our blessed mother with our children.  We are in need of 52 children to sign up to be a “bead” in the rosary on May 22nd at 3:00pm. 

Please sign up here:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0F4CAAAA28A02-20225

ALL FAMILIES are invited to join us for a fun mix of activities as we honor our Blessed Mother, beginning at the Bell Tower with a children’s interactive experience of the rosary at 3pm.  Afterward, children are invited to participate in a variety of activities including: Bingo station, trivia station, snack station, make-your-own rosary station, hoops for Mary challenge, and an awesome raffle!

Questions or looking to volunteer?  Contact jennifer.minor@archbalt.org