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Respect Life Month

Posted on October 03, 2021 in: Give and Serve

Respect Life Month

The Church celebrates October as Respect Life Month. It is time we can use to deepen our understanding of why, as Catholics, we “Respect Life” from conception to natural death and what that looks like day-to-day. Especially during October, but also throughout the year, look for announcements from the Respect Life committee, other ministries and your pastoral staff on ways to learn about and support activities respecting life, including: 

  • Movie night on October 16 to watch a relevant video and share fellowship; 
  • Annual coat drive October 30-31 sponsored by the Respect Life committee and St. Vincent de Paul council;
  • Praying for and offering hope in front of Planned Parenthood to parents considering abortion;
  • Reunion of parents on October 9 who accepted new life in their family & requested baptism for their child;
  • Contacting legislators about bills specifically concerning abortion & assisted suicide;
  • Participation in marches for life in Washington, DC and Annapolis;
  • Holy Hour for Life every First Friday of the month

St. Joseph did not deny the life within Mary’s womb and made sacrifices out of his love for Jesus and Mary. When human life is threatened, when our brothers and sisters need support welcoming or embracing life, may we lovingly respond with the faithfulness of Joseph.


Spend an hour in prayer and peaceful vigil for parents considering abortion and for abortion workers with fellow parishioners and those from other churches at Planned Parenthood on West Street in Annapolis from Sept. 22 to Oct. 31.

40 days for Life is a worldwide mobilization to pray, fast, and stand vigil at local abortion facilities to end abortion. Over a million of God's people have stood vigil and prayed in over 64 countries leading to over 19,000 babies, mothers, and families being saved from abortion. Over 200 abortion workers have left the industry and 112 abortion facilities have closed as a result of 40 Days for Life campaigns. The movie Unplanned tells of the success of such efforts. 

We encourage persons to stand (or sit) vigil during the abortion facilities open hours on Mondays from 11 am to 6:30 pm and Tuesday-Friday from 9 am to 4:30pm. 

The Respect Life Committee will work to ensure that persons who have stood vigil in the past will be there to accompany you when you can be there. See www.40daysforlife.com/Annapolis for more information on participating in the vigil. For questions including times when others can join with you, contact Bill at BBCummins@verizon.net or other SABB Respect Life committee members.