

Pastoral Visit

Posted on September 07, 2021 in: General News

Pastoral Visit

Wednesday, September 15

7pm Town Hall Meeting
8pm Evening Prayer


Our regional vicar, and former pastor, Msgr. Jay O’Connor is visiting Saint Andrew by the Bay on Wednesday, September 15.  We will celebrate 9am daily Mass as scheduled, with morning Adoration from 9:30-11:30am.
All are welcome to join parish staff and Msgr. Jay for 12pm Mass.  Following Mass, we will have Adoration from 1-6pm and Msgr. Jay will meet with parish staff and pastoral & finance councils.
Please join us at 7pm, when all parishioners are invited to attend a town hall meeting with Monsignor in the Upper Hall, closing with Evening Prayer at 8pm.
The Archbishop has called for such visits earlier this year, with his pastoral letter, A Light Brightly Visible 2.0, in order to clarify our purpose and mission throughout the diocese:
“to bear witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ with new vigor, new methods, and with renewed holiness.”
Please read the Archbishop’s letter, A Light Brightly Visible 2.0, available at this link: