Saturday, June 19
Blessing at 5pm Mass
Reception following
Please join us on Saturday, June 19th for a parish celebration honoring the Class of 2021! All 2021 graduates are invited to receive a special blessing during the 5:00pm Mass and attend an informal reception in the Bell Tower/St. Andrew’s Plaza area after Mass. All are welcome to join in this celebration!
Do you have words of wisdom, a favorite Scripture passage, or joyful messages you would like to share with the Class of 2021? Parishioners are invited to submit ‘Joy for the Journey’ notes to inspire our grads as they enter the next season of their life. Blank cards will be available for pick-up next to the Joy for the Journey box in the Narthex starting this weekend. Return completed cards to the box or drop them off in the Parish Office. Messages can also be emailed to Christine at
If you have any questions or would like to help bring the Graduate Reception to reality, contact Christine at .