Sunday, September 27, 2020
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday 5:00pm, Sunday 8:30 & 10:30am

For assistance, call 410-974-4366 or email
Special Offer through September 30
Parents of elementary school children are invited to take advantage of a special $5 offer for 3 months of MagnifiKid at Order now through 9/30 and receive November through January 2021 —perfect for Advent and Christmas!
Women's Mini-Retreat
Saturday, October 10, 8:15-11:30am
St. Andrew by the Bay Church Sanctuary
Ladies! All women are invited to come rest in God's presence and enjoy fellowship with other women! There will be praise and worship music, an inspiring speaker, and Holy Mass. Father Andrew will also be available for Reconciliation.
Please bring along a friend, your Bible and a journal. COVID restrictions will be followed. Sign up here.
40 Days for Life Fall Campaign
September 23 - November 1. Visit for information on how you can join this ongoing peaceful vigil to pray for abortion providers and mothers to discover the avenues and possibilities for choosing life over death. The 40 Days for Life Campaign has been successful in saving clinic directors like Abby Johnson of the book and movie “Unplanned”, clinic doctors, workers, mothers, and thousands of babies from the harm of abortion. Join us!
Holy Hour for Life
Friday, October 2, 8-9am
Please join us to spend a quiet hour with Jesus! The St. Andrew’s Respect Life Committee will be hosting a Holy Hour for Life each month from 8-9am, immediately before each First Friday Mass. The next Holy Hour for Life will be from 8-9am on Friday, October 2. We hope to see you there!
Blessing of the Animals
Sunday, October 4, 2:00pm on the Church Patio
In honor of the Feast of St. Francis (whose feast is celebrated on October 4), we will celebrate a Blessing of Animals on the front patio of our Church home. All parishioners are welcome to join us; bring along your pets or small animals (on leashes or in appropriate cages, of course). Please plan to join us as we give thanks for all God's creation, and celebrate His gift of creatures, great and small. See you there!
If you have lost a beloved pet, feel free to bring a picture of your pet for a special blessing as well.
Rosary for our Nation
Sunday, October 11, 1pm in the Church
The St. Andrew by the Bay Intercessory Prayer Group will pray the Rosary for Our Nation, in addition to their usual prayers for the ministries and intentions of our parish. All are invited to attend and pray in solidarity for our nation. Click here for details
Novena for our Nation
August 15 - October 7
Parishioners are invited to continue praying the Novena for our Nation as we lead up to our October 11 Rosary for our Nation. Novena for our Nation is a national prayer campaign that invites everyone from around the nation to join in praying the very powerful 54-Day Rosary Novena, from the Feast of the Assumption on August 15 to the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7.
Gabriel Network Baby Bottle Campaign
October 3-4
The RESPECT LIFE committee of St, Andrew by the Bay will again be hosting a Baby Bottle Campaign for Gabriel Network beginning the weekend of October 3rd and 4th. This year, Gabriel Network has adopted a virtual Baby Bottle Campaign platform.
Tootsie Roll Drive
October 10-11
Join our parish community in supporting the Knights of Columbus annual Tootsie Roll Drive!
- • Donations will be collected after all Masses October 10-11 and online (Select K of C Tootsie Roll Drive)
- • 100% of proceeds go to local organizations directly benefitting children and adults with intellectual challenges and to the Special Olympics
- • Tootsie Rolls are a complimentary reminder of the work the Knights of Columbus do to provide people with intellectual and physical disabilities more resources to live a full and happy life.
Adopt A Tree
Help beautify the parish grounds, create an outdoor gathering space and nature/meditation trail, provide habitat for wildlife, and improve the environment.
Creation Care Team members Mary Smith and Cathy Tengwall will be leading an effort to remove weeds, plant trees and shrubs, and create a gathering space and trail at Saint Andrew by the Bay as their capstone project for the Watershed Steward Academy and need help from parish volunteers.
Donate $20 as Copayment for a Native Tree to be Planted at St. Andrew by the Bay
We have been approved for a $1000 grant from Unity Gardens to pay for shrubs and are expecting grant funds from other sources as well. We will get 20 trees from Replant Anne Arundel and need a copayment of $20 for each tree. Four of the twenty trees have already been adopted!
Please contact Mary Smith ( or Cathy Tengwall ( for more information on adopting a tree.
Ministers of Hospitality Needed for Sunday Masses
Currently trained ushers, eucharistic ministers, lectors and welcome ministers are asked to consider serving as a Minister of Hospitality to assist with greeting and seating parishioners at Mass. Sign up is now available using Ministry Scheduler Pro - CLICK HERE to log in). For your safety, anyone considered vulnerable will not be allowed to serve in this capacity. For questions or issues with signing up, please contact Rachel Sitomer at
Socially-Distanced, Outdoor Volunteer Opportunities
Help beautify the parish grounds, create an outdoor gathering space and nature/meditation trail, provide habitat for wildlife, and improve the environment.
Creation Care Team members Mary Smith and Cathy Tengwall will be leading an effort to remove weeds, plant trees and shrubs, and create a gathering space and trail at Saint Andrew by the Bay as their capstone project for the Watershed Steward Academy, and need help from parish volunteers.
Join us for this fun and safe way to be together again!
Volunteer work days will be held in September and October and will follow Covid-19 safety protocols and procedures established by the Watershed Steward Academy and the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
Keep an eye out in the bulletin and Flocknote for project updates and volunteer opportunities.
You can also contact Mary Smith ( or Cathy Tengwall ( for more information or to receive email updates on the project and notifications about volunteer opportunities.
Come to the Waters One Day Retreat
A Day of Healing, Reconciliation, and Prayer
Saturday, October 24, 2020
The retreat is held in a Baltimore City area confidential location. If you are interested in attending a retreat or would like to speak with a peer minister, a priest or counselor, please call 410.625.8419, text 410.299.9345 or email All of services are confidential.
Chores & More is Here to Help!
If you or someone you know is a shut-in, temporarily homebound of any age or just home from the hospital and needs assistance, many Broadneck Peninsula residents turn to Chores and More for assistance when they need a short-term helping hand. Volunteer services are available 7 days a week. Services include needing a ride to the grocery store, doctor or hospital…or if you have questions about other services and resources to help someone in a time of need, or you would like to volunteer, call 443-808-3875 during their office hours 9:00am-12:00pm (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) or email Stay Healthy and be safe. God Bless you.
Virtual Seekers Group
Coming early October 2020
Are you searching for meaning? . . .Wondering if there’s something more? . . .
Asking where GOD is in your life?
"What do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” - Mary Oliver
All you need is a sincere & seeking heart.
We’ll meet by Zoom at a time that works for everyone interested.
Walking With Purpose 2020-21
Do you feel pulled in many directions? Do you find it hard to balance the demands placed on your time? Is it difficult to manage all the details thrown your way? God wants to support and help us so that we can be our best in every season of our lives.
Walking with Purpose (WWP) is a women's Scripture-based faith sharing group, offering personal study and small group discussions that link everyday challenges and struggles with teachings of Christ and the Church. Groups run from late September through May with flexible meeting options.
Our study this year is a journey throughout Scripture where we’ll discover the relevance of Old and New Testament wisdom to our daily challenges. In this 22-lesson study, we’ll explore Biblical ideas for managing life’s pace and pressure while living with calm and steadiness. Your lifestyle of health and holiness awaits!
To learn more and register, please visit our ministry website at:
For questions, contact Shannon Pierce at
Zoom Conversations on Faith
Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00pm
New topic weekly. Engaging guests. Good conversation.
September 30: Details and Zoom link coming soon.
The History of the Church
7:00-8:00pm Mondays (through September 28)
Deacon Dave Tengwall takes us on a Zoom journey through time. Discover how we got from Jesus and Peter to the People of God and Pope Francis.
The Four Gospels
7:00-8:00pm Mondays, October 5 – November 2, 2020
Deacon Tony Norcio takes us on a dive into all 4 Gospels. You’ll be surprised at what you don’t know. Who-what-where-when? And mostly – why? Come away with a new appreciation of these Gospel writers and the Christ they reveal.
No registration required. Click the link below a few minutes before 7 p.m. to attend. (Same link for all 5 Mondays.)
Facilitator: Deacon Tony Norcio
Community Conversations on Race (Virtual)
Saturday, October 11, 4:00-6:00pm
With Rev. Abby Hailey, Pastor of Broadneck Baptist Church
Community Conversations on Race has moved online and will meet on Sunday, October 11 from 4:00-6:00pm. Members of our community’s churches strongly believe that this discussion is vital and wish to continue to hold these conversations regularly. This month we will be focusing on the right to vote and the challenges around voter suppression. Before the meeting, you are strongly encouraged to watch the documentary "Rigged" (you can view it online for free in its entirety: https:// We will be watching brief excerpts and discussing the film in our Zoom gathering, but we are encouraging all to watch it ahead of time. Sign up here: go/20f0948afad22a1f58-september
From Anne Arundel Catholic
International Virtual Encounter for Single Catholics
September 24-26
Hosted by the National Catholic Singles Conference
From the event website: Talks will include a wide range of topics – here are just a few of the talks you’ll hear from our top-notch speaker line-up:
Assessing and Asserting Needs in Relationships
A Catholic Take on Social Unrest
Common Misconceptions about Discerning God’s Will
The Battle Over the Body
Living Fruitfully While Single: The Gift of the Moment
Divorce and Annulment: What They DON’T Tell You
Forgiveness: Key to Knowing our Deepest Identity
Five Sure Ways to Fail in your Relationships (and What to do Differently)
The Restore Culture Virtual Workshop: Hosted by The Culture Project
September 25-27
Hosted by The Culture Project
Featuring workshops on a variety of topics (including a workshop with Molly Sheahan, an AAC young adult!). From the event website:
Learn how to respond and restore culture, starting with ourselves and our own local communities. This weekend is about coming together to ask the human questions. If you are looking for answers to those question or if you're a parent, an educator, a pastor, mentor, single, married, or looking for community -- this weekend is for you. Come to be filled, leave being equipped. We're in this together.

SABB CYO Cross Country
Opportunity for ALL
Elementary, Middle & High Students
CYO Cross is a virtual Elementary, Middle and High School XC season created to keep you racing this fall. Cross country athletes from across the Archdiocese compete as parish teams. There will be no in person practices.
Age appropriate training schedules will be sent online logbook to the runners - they can check off as they do the week’s workouts.
Weekly in-person time trials will be held on Sundays at Greenbury point. Runners may run individually alone if parents prefer. Times will be recorded to watch the progress and bragging rights. Archdiocese rankings will be published each week to see where we stack up!
CLICK HERE to register & for more information. NO FEE to register!
Virtual Marriage Retreat
WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER has cancelled all in-person weekends for this year. However, we have exciting news! There is a way for couples, priests and religious to join a virtual WWME experience from the comforts of their home. This experience will be in 7 sessions beginning on Monday, October 5th and end on Monday October 26th. The sessions will be on Mondays and Thursdays from 7pm 9:30pm. The content of the sessions will be the same as given on in-person weekends. Maybe you can join us on this virtual experience. It is a great opportunity for priests to join because there are no weekends involved. Check and for more information. Please contact us if you have any questions. Don & Wink Flanders & Fr. Victor Scocco DC/MD Leadership Team, Worldwide Marriage Encounter, 301-541-7007. SIGN UP EARLY! ONLY 15 COUPLES ON THE EXPERIENCE!
Virtual Healthcare Symposium
Saturday, October 24, 2020, 7:45am - 12:45pm
Caring for the Continuum of Life 2020 presented by Chesapeake Supportive Care, Hospice of the Chesapeake and Chesapeake Life Center. For details, visit
Parish Office Hours
The office remains closed to the public. Staff are onsite to assist callers Monday-Friday 8:30am-12:30pm. Staff may also be reached via email (for a complete listing of staff emails from the cover of our parish bulletin, click HERE).
If you are in urgent need of a priest after hours, please call the main line at 410-974-4366 for instructions.