Sunday, September 6, 2020
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday Mass Schedule for September 2020
Saturday 5pm, Sunday 8:30 & 10:30am
Check website and Flocknote for Mass schedule changes
Sign Up HERE for Masses through September 27
Sign-up remains open until filled, so feel free to sign up right until the last minute.
Please remember to remove your sign-up if you are unable to attend.
For assistance, please call 410-974-4366 during office hours or email

Re-Opening Update
As a staff, we are hoping that the next stage of our gradual re-opening is near.
We are now in the process of implementing new sanitization procedures with the opening of our preschool on September 8.
While the state moves into Phase III, we await decisions from county and archdiocesan leadership.
So at this time the parish office remains closed and no events are being scheduled inside; and many previously scheduled events that remain on our master calendar are still subject to cancellation.
But we should have more news soon.
We continue to pray for all those suffering with Covid19, and trust that God will bring us through this pandemic together.
Ministry Leader Meetings
Fr. Andrew is looking forward to meeting with the ministry leaders of our parish ministries. If you are a ministry leader and have not yet had a chance to meet with Fr. Andrew, please contact the parish office at 410-974-4366 to arrange an in-person or virtual meeting. Ministry leaders with questions regarding resumption of in-person activities should email Ministry leaders are also asked to email a current list of participants to for Virtus (STAND) training verification.
Parish Office Hours
Although the parish office remains closed to the public, limited staff are onsite and available to assist callers Monday-Friday 8:30am-12:30pm. Staff may also be reached via email. For assistance obtaining contact information for a staff member, call the office or email
If you are in urgent need of a priest after hours, please call the main line at 410-974-4366 for instructions.
Chores & More is Here to Help!
If you or someone you know is a shut-in, temporarily homebound of any age or just home from the hospital and needs assistance, many Broadneck Peninsula residents turn to Chores and More for assistance when they need a short-term helping hand. Volunteer services are available 7 days a week. Services include needing a ride to the grocery store, doctor or hospital…or if you have questions about other services and resources to help someone in a time of need, or you would like to volunteer, call 443-808-3875 during their office hours 9:00am-12:00pm (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) or email Stay Healthy and be safe. God Bless you.
Ministers of Hospitality Needed
Currently trained ushers, eucharistic ministers, lectors and welcome ministers are asked to consider serving as a Minister of Hospitality to assist with greeting and seating parishioners at Mass. Sign up is now available using Ministry Scheduler Pro - CLICK HERE to log in). For your safety, anyone considered vulnerable will not be allowed to serve in this capacity. For questions or issues with signing up, please contact Rachel Sitomer at
Socially-Distanced, Outdoor Volunteer Opportunities
Help beautify the parish grounds, create an outdoor gathering space and nature/meditation trail, provide habitat for wildlife, and improve the environment.
Creation Care Team members Mary Smith and Cathy Tengwall will be leading an effort to remove weeds, plant trees and shrubs, and create a gathering space and trail at Saint Andrew by the Bay as their capstone project for the Watershed Steward Academy, and need help from parish volunteers.
Join us for this fun and safe way to be together again!
Volunteer work days will be held in September and October and will follow Covid-19 safety protocols and procedures established by the Watershed Steward Academy and the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
Keep an eye out in the bulletin and Flocknote for project updates and volunteer opportunities.
You can also contact Mary Smith ( or Cathy Tengwall ( for more information or to receive email updates on the project and notifications about volunteer opportunities.
Election 2020: Left, Right, or Politically Homeless
Tuesday, September 8, 7:00pm
Livestreamed online
Salt and Light online gathering in partnership with the Archdiocese of Washington DC Theology on Tap.
Details and RSVP:
Little Sisters of the Poor 2020 Nun Run (Virtual)
Saturday, September 12, 8-11am
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 7th annual Nun Run will be a virtual race! Run in your neighborhood, on your favorite trail or on your treadmill. By signing up, you are a Superhero to the Little Sisters of the Poor and the Residents of St. Martin’s Home who thankfully depend on you for your continued generosity! Know that the Little Sisters and Residents will be cheering virtually as you run or walk! (Don’t forget to register with your parish name for the Parish Pride award!)
Do Your Best Virtual 5K Run or 1 Mile Walk
Saturday, September 19, 8am-noon
Fee: $30 ($5 off for family of four or more). Click this link for details and registration:
Taizé Prayer - TIME CHANGE TO 7PM
Sunday, September 20, 7-8pm
Join us virtually or in person for an evening of prayer and comfort in these anxious times.
Participate virtually HERE or reserve your spot to join us in the church HERE.
Masks and social distancing required. Please join us virtually instead if you have Covid symptoms or have recently been exposed.
Blessing of the Animals
Sunday, October 4 at 2:00pm on the Church Patio
In honor of the Feast of St. Francis (whose feast is celebrated on October 4), we will celebrate a Blessing of Animals on the front patio of our Church home. All parishioners are welcome to join us; bring along your pets or small animals (on leashes or in appropriate cages, of course). Please plan to join us as we give thanks for all God's creation, and celebrate His gift of creatures, great and small. See you there!
If you have lost a beloved pet, feel free to bring a picture of your pet for a special blessing as well.
Novena for our Nation
August 15 - October 7
The Novena for our Nation” is a national prayer campaign that invites everyone from around the nation to join in praying the very powerful 54-Day Rosary Novena, from the Feast of the Assumption on August 15 to the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7.
Save the date for October 11 - Intercessory Prayer Meeting and Rosary Coast to Coast at 2pm in the Church.
Walking With Purpose 2020-21
Do you feel pulled in many directions? Do you find it hard to balance the demands placed on your time? Is it difficult to manage all the details thrown your way? God wants to support and help us so that we can be our best in every season of our lives.
Walking with Purpose (WWP) is a women's Scripture-based faith sharing group, offering personal study and small group discussions that link everyday challenges and struggles with teachings of Christ and the Church. Groups run from late September through May with flexible meeting options.
Our study this year is a journey throughout Scripture where we’ll discover the relevance of Old and New Testament wisdom to our daily challenges. In this 22-lesson study, we’ll explore Biblical ideas for managing life’s pace and pressure while living with calm and steadiness. Your lifestyle of health and holiness awaits!
To learn more and register, please visit our ministry website at:
For questions, contact Shannon Pierce at
The History of the Church in 5 Hours
7:00-8:00pm Mondays, August 10-September 14 (excluding Labor Day)
Deacon Dave Tengwall takes us on a Zoom journey through time. Discover how we got from Jesus and Peter to the People of God and Pope Francis.
Zoom Conversation on Faith
New topic weekly.
Engaging guests.
Good conversation.
Zoom link coming soon via Flocknote and under Announcements on our website.
Questions? Contact
Virtual Marriage Retreat
WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER has cancelled all in-person weekends for this year. However, we have exciting news! There is a way for couples, priests and religious to join a virtual WWME experience from the comforts of their home. This experience will be in 7 sessions beginning on Monday, October 5th and end on Monday October 26th. The sessions will be on Mondays and Thursdays from 7pm 9:30pm. The content of the sessions will be the same as given on in-person weekends. Maybe you can join us on this virtual experience. It is a great opportunity for priests to join because there are no weekends involved. Check and for more information. Please contact us if you have any questions. Don & Wink Flanders & Fr. Victor Scocco DC/MD Leadership Team, Worldwide Marriage Encounter, 301-541-7007. SIGN UP EARLY! ONLY 15 COUPLES ON THE EXPERIENCE!
Virtual Healthcare Symposium
Saturday, October 24, 2020, 7:45am - 12:45pm
Caring for the Continuum of Life 2020 presented by Chesapeake Supportive Care, Hospice of the Chesapeake and Chesapeake Life Center. For details, visit
Caring for Creation
This Season of Creation, September 1-October 4, is an opportunity to wake up the world - for each of us to become beacons of hope and inspiration for a better future. Together, we have the power to ignite a bold global cry for climate justice, and there couldn’t be a more important time for that action.
“When we take our air, waters and land for granted; when we show a simple lack of respect for nature and our environment, we unmake God’s good creation…Whatever we do to the earth, we do to each other.” – Congressman John Lewis
PREP and Sacramental Registration Now Open for All Grades
Preschool Faith Formation
Dear Pre-school Families,
Faith formation in pre-school is a beautiful time to start your child’s faith formation. Children at the age of 4 have a deep well of trust and faith that makes it the prime age to begin teaching them their catholic faith. Our faith formation program here at St. Andrew by the Bay has an amazing preschool catechist who is ready to bring the love of Jesus to your child! We are not letting social distancing stop us from reaching children this year. For an example of how Ms. G will be bringing the faith alive to your kids this year, watch this video:
Preschool Update
St. Andrew by the Bay Preschool will start on schedule in the fall! Our first day of classes will be Tuesday, September 8.
- Please be prepared to drop your child off at the front entrance to the parish hall (double glass doors) beginning at 8:45. We will meet you there, take temperatures, sanitize hands and escort your child to his/her teacher. (Parents of 2s will enter through the preschool doors and proceed downstairs, after temps and sanitizing.)
- We have been working hard to clean our rooms and make everything ready for the children, and we are very excited for the new school year.
- Please follow our Facebook page (St. Andrew by the Bay Preschool) to get updates on our school.
Upcoming Dates:
September 8 – First day of school for T/Th classes
September 9 – First day of school for MWF classes
*The 2020/2021 school year calendar can also be found on our website by clicking HERE.