Parish Center Update: Due to current restrictions, the parish office and preschool remain CLOSED and ALL events and activities at the parish center are CANCELLED until further notice. Parish staff continue to work primarily from home with limited and rotating hours in the office, Monday-Friday, 8:30am-12:30pm. Staff are most easily accessible via email, but may also be reached at 410-974-4366.
Daily Mass Live-Stream & Open to the Public (limit 80)
Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.
Monday, June 29-Morning Prayer with Holy Communion (no Mass)
Morning Prayer with Holy Communion
Friday at 9:00 a.m.
Friday, July 3 Cancelled due to Fourth of July holiday (observed)
Wednesdays 9:30-11:00 a.m.
Benediction at 10:45 a.m.
Wednesdays from 9:45-11:00 a.m.
Saturday Confessions cancelled until further notice
Weekend Masses BY RESERVATION ONLY (limit 95)
Signup for Masses is emailed via Flocknote at noon on the Sunday prior to the upcoming Mass.
CLICK HERE to sign up for Flocknote.
For assistance with Mass reservation requests, please contact or call 410-974-4366.
Ministers of Hospitality Needed
We are in need of Ministers of Hospitality to serve at weekend Masses. At this time, we are only able to accept volunteers who have previously completed training as an Usher, Eucharistic Minister or Welcome Desk Minister, and those who are considered vulnerable will not be allowed to serve in this capacity. Anyone interested should contact the parish office at 410-974-4366.
Saturday, June 27, 5:00 p.m.*
Sunday, June 28, 8:30* & 10:30 a.m.
*Space remaining
Walk-Ins for Weekend Masses are not permitted at this time due to advanced seating preparations required to ensure the safety and proper social distancing of those in attendance. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Saturday, July 4, 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, July 5, 8:30 & 10:30 a.m.
Reservation Request link and details will be sent out via Flocknote on Sunday, June 28 at noon. Those who attended weekend Mass on June 27-28 are asked to wait until midweek (Tuesday morning) to sign up again, so that those who have not yet had the opportunity to attend weekend Mass may do so.
Fr Jeff Parish Farewell Drive-Goodbye
The Knights of Columbus are coordinating a Farewell Drive-Goodbye on Sunday, June 28 from 12:00-12:45pm to give all parishioners the opportunity to wave farewell and offer well-wishes to Fr. Jeff from their car as they drive in a slow procession through the Church parking lot. A sign-up has been created to assist with traffic flow (but parishioners unable to sign up are still welcome to join the parade between 12:30-12:45. CLICK HERE for important details.
PREP Registration (All Grades)
PREP registration opens July 1 for all grades. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS
Mass Intentions
We are now able to schedule Mass intentions by phone only (the parish office remains closed to the public) for Masses dated July 1 and after. To schedule, call the office Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:30am-12:30pm. Donations for Mass intentions may be mailed to the office or dropped in the offertory with "Mass Intention" in the memo. We are unable to distribute Mass cards to parishioners at this time; however, parish staff will mail Mass cards directly from the office to the recipient upon request. Prayer requests submitted to Fr. Jeff now through June 27 will be offered during the Prayer of the Faithful at the following day's Mass.
July 12 Blood Drive Cancelled
The blood drive scheduled for July 12 has been cancelled. Please mark your calendar for our new scheduled blood drive on Sunday, October 4. For details on making a private appointment to make a blood donation, contact the AAMC Blood Donor Center.
Caring for Creation
God designed a world in which nature takes care of us, and God intended for us to care for it in return. Individual actions that can strengthen your connection with nature include caring for house plants and growing your own food. To have a bigger impact, consider the politicians you vote for and the companies you support with your wallet: What are their values? What do their actions say about their commitment to caring for our common home?
Chesterton Academy
Joyfully classical high school in the Catholic tradition! Chesterton Academy of Annapolis, an independent high school offering a college preparatory curriculum centered on the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, is accepting applications for 9th-12th grades for Fall of 2020. The classical curriculum develops complete thinkers who learn to draw on faith and reason for the purpose of building a culture of life. For more information and to view the Academy's virtual open house with 17 other Chesterton Academies nationally, visit