

Stop Assisted Suicide in Maryland!

Posted on December 28, 2022 in: General News

Stop Assisted Suicide in Maryland!

Your Voice Counts!

The Maryland Legislature will again consider a bill in the 2023 session to legalize assisted suicide. The aim of this bill is to actively allow a person with a 6-month prognosis to kill themselves by overdosing on medication prescribed by a  medical provider. Last year, the bill was defeated by one vote.

Do not hesitate to voice your concerns by emailing your legislators. As a constituent, your voice carries a lot of weight and will make a difference in how your representative will vote. The bill is pre-filed, meaning it can be submitted for   reading before the legislative session begins. Pre-filed bills are introduced on the first day of the session. It may move very quickly when the legislative session begins on January 11, 2023, which is why we are asking you to contact your legislators now. You can find your state representatives here:, click on “look up” and type in your address.

Another easy way to reach your legislator is to visit the Maryland Right to Life website at Go to the TAKE ACTION tab to send a message directly to your legislators  asking them to vote against this bill.   

The Dignity Mandate is dedicated to educating Marylanders about the dangers of assisted suicide. Be sure to watch the 30-minute documentary on the Maryland Right to Life website which details some of the problems with the proposed Maryland bill.