Visiting the Sick and Homebound

Visiting the Sick and Homebound

If you are facing serious or chronic illness, suffering with the infirmities of age or mental illness, you are welcome to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. This sacrament may be received after any week-end mass. Please inform the sacristan or an usher, or feel free to ask the priest presider before or after the mass you attend.

For those in our parish who are homebound, Special Ministers of Holy Communion are available to visit, to pray with you, and to bring the Eucharist.

Please notify the parish office or a staff member when someone in your family is sick, hospitalized or homebound.

If admitted to Anne Arundel Medical Center, please inform them you are Catholic, and are members of St Andrew By the Bay Parish. This should be part of your admission process.

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