Children’s Faith Formation Information
“Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me…” Mark 9:37

Contact the parish office to inquire about registration.
Click Here for the 2024-25 PREP Calendar
About our Faith Formation (PREP)
We welcome all children, from 4 years old through Grade 5, into our Children’s Faith Formation Program (also known here as PREP) to learn about the Good News of Christ in an interactive manner. Please scroll down to the bottom of the page for links to the Homeschool and Families on the Go formation opportunities.
In Class Option - Our traditional program has PREP classes for these elementary grades held on a weekly basis, with three of those dates being a family session. There are three different PREP times to sign up for; Sundays at 8am, Sundays at 10am, and Mondays at 5:30pm. Each PREP session is an hour and fifteen minutes long.
Homeschool Option - There is also a homeschool option that allows you to complete most weekly sessions at home by emailing completed online reviews, while joining us in person for the LYFT events. Please see the link below for more information.
Flexible Option of Family Learning - New this year, we added a faith formation option known as “Families on the Go” which is designed for those family calendars that have a lot of traveling or inconsistent availability due to sports, work, or custody schedules. There are no set dates to come to the parish for this option.
PREP registration forms are available online. Registrations cannot be taken over the phone. Students must be 4 years of age by September 1st to register in the 4-year-old program.
Our in-class and homeschool options uses Finding God by Loyola Press to educate the children on their Catholic Faith, inspire a deep relationship with Christ, and the readiness to find God in all things. Please visit their webiste to explore and discover online resources for Finding God:
Growing with God by Loyola Press is a family life supplemental program that is developed to be an integrated addition to the Finding God curriculum, which is required by the Archdiocese. Part of this family life program will be done within their PREP classes and the rest will be done at home, within your family. To learn more about Growing with God visit
Online Session Reviews
Online Session Reviews are what gets turned in when your child is absent and the session is completed at home, and also for our Homeschool option. Please have your child complete the review, email the results to yourself, and then forward to your catechist. Below, you will find the link to access the reviews 1st thru 5th grade (Kindergarten does not have online reviews):
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Snow Policy: We follow the Anne Arundel County Snow Schedule. If schools close or dismiss early, classes are cancelled. If weather conditions develop after school hours, please tune to these radio/television stations:
- WNAV (1430AM)
- WBAL (1100AM)
- WJZ-TV (Channel 13)
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