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Homeless Ministry

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Homeless Ministry

Gisela Barry, chair of the Ministry to the Homeless in Baltimore, collects clothing, toiletries, etc. and distributes them to the homeless people in Baltimore as needed.  Please consider donating the following items: 

  • Unused toiletries:  Irish Spring bar soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, tissue packs (purse size), Wet One wipes (purse size), chapstick, and lotion (purse size), fingernail clippers. 
  • Mints, candy, gum. 
  • Pillows, blankets/comforters, towels.
  • Tube socks, sweatshirts/sweatpants (size large and XXL), underwear, men’s sneakers (size 11 and above). 

If you would like to accompany Gisela Barry on a trip to Baltimore, feel free to call her at 410-974-4366 for more information or to become a part of this very important ministry.

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