

Rosary Drive for St Michael Ministry Blessing Bags

Posted on June 28, 2022 in: Pray and Worship

Rosary Drive for St Michael Ministry Blessing Bags

Rosaries Needed! Drop off in the parish office or the church.

St. Michael's Ministry Blessing Bags

Are available for anyone in need of special prayer

These small blessing bags contain a rosary, little bible, St. Michael medal and holy water.  Originally created for first responders, these bags are now available for anyone in need of special prayer, those struggling with addiction, a mental health crisis, physical illness, a spiritual crisis.

Take one to give.  Keep it in your car, in your purse. 

You never know when you’ll meet someone who needs one.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you keep your eyes open.

You’ll find them in a basket in the gathering space in the church.  When you’ve given one away, be sure to take another.