

Introducing Fr. Andrew DeFusco

Posted on June 16, 2020 in: General News

Introducing Fr. Andrew DeFusco

Join us in welcoming Fr. Andrew DeFusco, newly assigned administrator of St. Andrew by the Bay effective July 1, 2020.  Ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Baltimore in 2014, Fr. Andrew has served four years as associate pastor of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Baltimore, followed by two years as associate pastor of Saint John Westminster.  Fr. Andrew will celebrate his first daily Mass with us on Tuesday, June 30.
Dear Saint Andrew by the Bay parishioners,
I am very humbled and honored to be headed your way!
The archbishop has sent me to you with clear instructions:
Do not mess up what this community has built under the wonderful leadership of Father Jeff!
I promise I am coming to you in the name of Jesus Christ, who came not to be served, but to serve.
A little bit about myself:
I am from New Jersey originally, so I do prefer a calzone to a crab cake, but not by much!
My parents Andrew and Caroline live in Timonium, as does my sister Katie and her family, and my brother Joseph.
My sister Mary lives in Okinawa, Japan right now, as her husband is a Navy physician serving there.
My brother Matthew is a priest and serves at Saint Margaret parish in Bel Air.
After God, these folks are the greatest loves of my life.
I studied Latin in college, and taught classical literature in high school before entering seminary.
My theology degrees are from Catholic University of America, but my formation as a priest continues everyday!
I have served at two wonderful parishes in my six years of priesthood: Cathedral of Mary our Queen, Baltimore and Saint John, Westminster.
The constant in my ministry so far has been the beauty, generosity, and fidelity of God’s people, who have made me feel part of their own family.
I try to read literature and some philosophy regularly. I like all sports. I am looking for a friend with a sailboat, haha.
One of my favorite Scripture passages is John 15:13: Greater love has no one, than to lay down his life for his friends.
I look forward to being with you starting June 30.
Please do not be shy once I arrive.
I have a lot to learn. I already have Father Jeff on speed dial!
Saint Andrew, pray for us.