

News from Fr. Jeff

Posted on May 25, 2020 in: General News

News from Fr. Jeff

Dear Friends,

I write to you today with a very heavy heart. I have been asked to accept a new assignment in the Archdiocese. Effective July 1st, I am being assigned as Pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Towson, Maryland.

To say that it will be difficult to leave St. Andrew by the Bay would be the greatest understatement. My time here has been the greatest blessing to me; I have come to dearly love this parish community and the wonderful people of this parish. I feel like I will be leaving a big part of my heart here at St. Andrew by the Bay.

Though I am sad to leave, I am very happy to share with you that Archbishop Lori has appointed Rev. Andrew DeFusco as Administrator of St. Andrew by the Bay, effective July 1st. Fr. Andrew was ordained on June 21, 2014 and is currently serving as Associate Pastor at St. John Parish in Westminster, Maryland.

I know that you will welcome Fr. Andrew DeFusco as you did me – with warm and open hearts. I could not be happier that he will be assigned here as your new leader... he is a wonderful priest, a young and energetic priest, with a deep faith and a vibrant warm spirit.

Please pray for me, as I will you.


Fr. Jeff